Debbie has several new songs which are yet to be recorded and some which are still in the project stage, or we have some ‘project stage’ recordings. We met an amazing producer / recording engineer, Tim Dolbear, who has a studio within a few minutes of our house so we wandered over to his studio one evening to record a few reference tracks for these songs. (Some friends were asking to hear them to learn them for their worship services.) Tim .. what can I say, he does an amazing job in a very short time. In a couple of hours we were able to do these scratch tracks. Let me repeat, these are quick, scratch tracks with little preparation time, just quick takes and magic by Tim. I hope you enjoy them and maybe if you email Debbie Dorman, she will let you have a copy of the chord charts.
Psalm 3, You oh Lord are my Shield and my Glory
Psalm 3, Defender (how many are my enemies_)
Psalm 4, Answer Me, Father when I Call
Psalm 4, Answer Me (Evening Song)
Isaiah 52, How Precious the Hope
Come Down, O Love Divine A new tune to a wonderful old hymn.